Kevin Gray
Kevin Gray
Hamptons Headshot.JPG

Kevin Gray is an award-winning journalist. During his career, he had traveled the world covering business, crime, politics, and culture. He has profiled the world’s youngest president, Josef Kabila, in war-torn Congo; infiltrated a sex slave trafficking ring in Romania; sat down with Lebanon’s embattled prime minister Saad Hariri; motorcycled across Mongolia and written about its homeless children; traveled with the US Army to dig up the remains of dead servicemen in Vietnam; chronicled the rise of Falun Gong in China; traveled to the banana jungles of Colombo to write about Chiquita’s support of right wing militias; and was among the first journalists to enter Libya after Moammar Gaddafi turned over his weapons of mass destruction and opened the country to the West.

Mr. Gray’s work has appeared in Wired UK, The New York Times Magazine, New York, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Hollywood Reporter, and Newsweek. He has served a senior producer for CNN, articles editor for Details, and executive editor of Popular Science. He is currently the New York Bureau Chief for the editorial content and strategy company, MessageLab.